MS YESHI DOLMA was born on 24th January 1971 in Dharamshala to her father Lobsang Tenzin. She completed her school education from TCV Dharamshala, with the blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and kind help from the Central Tibetan Administration. From 1996-99, she served as an executive member of the Regional Tibetan Women’s Association (RTWA), Dharamshala. In 2003 she served as a Cashier of the Regional Dhomay Association, Dharamshala. From 2003 – 06, she was elected as an executive member of the Central Tibetan Women’s Association (TWA). In 2005, Tibetan Women’s Association undertook an All India Peace March, during which Ms. Dolma led 170 participants from Dehradun to Delhi. She has also disseminated the working procedures and projects of the TWA to 18 Tibetan settlements and communities.
In 2006-09, she was re-elected as an executive member of the TWA. In 2009, she was elected as the executive member of the 14th Central Dhomey Association and was its President. Likewise, she was a member of the organizing committee for the 5th World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet held in Italy in 2009. She was the Chairperson of organizing the peace march of over 100 monks of Kirti Monastery from Dharamsala to Delhi in 2011. She also served as a cashier for the organizing committee for the 80th Birthday celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Ms. Dolma was earlier elected to 14th, 15th, and 16th TPiE and is currently a member of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile from Dhomey province.