Decisions taken by the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, in its 315th and 322nd meetings regarding the consideration of ‘anonymous letter’, which shall not be discussed in the Standing Committee’s meeting are the following.
- Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat will not consider any letter published on internet sites before or after submitting the letter to the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat.
- Email received with regard to general issues and social welfares, with the sender’s email address but without having the sender’s name, permanent address, and contact number will be considered an anonymous letter.
- A letter received via postal service without having the sender’s name, permanent address, contact number, and a signature will be considered an anonymous letter.
- A letter received with regard to conflicts and complaints without having the sender’s real name, email address, permanent address, contact number, and green book (chatrel) number will be an anonymous letter.
- A letter sent on behalf of social messaging application groups without the social messaging group admin (chairman)’s permanent address, contact number, and green book (chatrel) number will be considered an anonymous Letter.
* In case of any discrepancy between this English translation and its Tibetan original, the latter should be considered authoritative and final for all purposes.
Original letter in Tibetan here-