Dharamsala: Presided by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, the second day of the second session of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile began at 9:30 am with the continuation of deliberation on the official solidarity motion on the critical situations inside Tibet from the previous day.
With two amendment bills proposed to the official solidarity motion tabled by Parliamentarians Youdon Aukatsang and Tenpa Yarphel and supported by Parliamentarians Rigzin Lhundup and Geshe Lharampa Gowo Lobsang Phende respectively, a total of 25 Parliamentarians participated in the deliberation before its adoption by calling attention to the deteriorating situation in Tibet and paying tribute to the sacrifices made by Tibetans inside Tibet. Resolving to offer meaningful solidarity to the patriotic Tibetans in Tibet, the official resolution commits to organize far-reaching Tibet campaigns and calls for the immediate release of all the Tibetan political prisoners. It further urges Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights who is scheduled to visit Xinjiang in May, to visit Tibet too.
Sikyong Penpa Tsering and Kalon Gyari Dolma of the Department of Security also partook in the deliberation over the official solidarity motion providing requisite clarifications.
The session continued with the presentation of the précis 2020-21 report of the Department of Home by Sikyong Penpa Tsering, the incumbent Kalon of DoH, from the previous day’s agenda. This was followed by the presentation of the Standing Committee’s reviewed report on the detailed 2020-21 annual report of the Department of Home by Parliamentarian Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen and motion for debate on the aforesaid report was tabled by Parliamentarian Khenpo Kada Ngedhup Sonam and supported by Parliamentarian Phurpa Dorjee Gyaldhong. Thereafter, Sikyong Penpa Tsering provided Kashag’s (Cabinet) Clarification to the reviewed report of the Department of Home by the Standing Committee.
The session continued with debate on the reports and Kashag’s Clarification with Parliamentarians inquiring about the fire mishap that engulfed all the shops of the Potala Tibetan Refugee Market at Ambala, facilitation of English language program to monks, infrastructure development in Kollegal, the current status of Gang-Jong Development Finance Private Limited under the Department of Finance, CTA, conditions on providing loans by the CTA, registration of Tibetans living in Nepal, housing problems faced by newly-arrived Tibetans to which the Sikyong provided necessary clarifications and answers.
A total of twelfth Parliament Members were listed in the deliberation over the undertaking of the Department of Home, which shall be carried forward in tomorrow’s list of business.
Today’s session adjourned at 5 pm until 9:30 am of the next morning.