Dharamsala : The third day of the fifth session of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile commenced with its first list of the business with official motion moved by the Minister (Kalon) of Religion and Culture Ven. Karma Gelek Yuthok, supported by the Minister (Kalon) of Finance Mr. Karma Yeshi, which was passed with unanimity.
It then continued with the clarification of the 2018-19 Central Tibean Administration’s Budget statement by Minister (Kalon) of Finance Mr. Karma Yeshi and Mr. Pema Jungney, chairman of the Budget Estimation committee.
Thereafter, following the third list of business for the day, department-wise budget debate and approval, Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat’s proposed budget for the 2018-2019 was passed. The 2018-2019 proposed budget of Supreme Justice Commission was passed after much debate.
The session adjourned for lunch break during the debate on 2018-2019 proposed budget of Cabinet Secretariat at 12:30 noon.
It resumed at 2 pm by continuing the debate, which was thereafter, passed unanimously.
The evening session adjourned at 5 pm till 9:30 am of the next morning.
Today’s session welcomed an important guest and a friend of Tibet, Mrs. Rebon Benerjee. She was the former Executive Programmer of FNSt, India and currently an executive member of Foundation of Non-violent Alternative. She has always kept the issue of Tibet close to her heart.