TOKYO: On the second day of their visit to Japan on 23 April, the Tibetan Parliamentary delegation spoke to Japanese and members of the Tibetan community on a wide-range of issues facing Tibet. The public talk was organised at the Office of Tibet.
In his address, Mr Dawa Tsering, Member of Tibetan-in-Exile, spoke on the current human rights situation in Tibet and the efforts being made by the Central Tibetan Administration to resolve the issue of Tibet through dialogue with the Chinese government. He said: “The Tibetan people are seeking genuine autonomy within the framework of the Chinese constitution and laws. The Middle-Way Approach has succeeded in making the Chinese government engage in dialogue with envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It is a policy to resolve the issue of Tibet through dialogue with the Chinese government and it evolved from the magnanimous vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and approved by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. We need to reinvigorate our efforts to create greater awareness on the Middle Way Approach among the international community.”
Mr Karma Gelek, the member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, spoke on the evolution of Tibetan democracy in exile under the remarkable leadership of Holiness the Dalai Lama. He said His Holiness the Dalai Lama from a very young age had the aspiration to democratise the Tibetan society in Tibet, but could not realise it due to the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese communist government.
Mr Tenzin Jamyang, the member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, through a power point presentation, touched upon the environmental-related problems in Tibet and danger posed on the lives of billions of people across the Asian continent depending on fresh water coming from rivers of Tibet.
He expressed grave concern over the ongoing large-scale building of dams on Tibetan rivers and exploitation of mineral resources in Tibet. He said the increase in temperature on the Tibetan plateau has accelerated the melting of glaciers in Tibet, which in turn will reduce of the water level of the river. He said rapid melting of glaciers on Tibet will have serious consequences on lives of billion people depending on water coming from rivers of Tibet.
Mr Tenzin Jamyang also spoke on the forceful relocation of millions of Tibetan nomads from their pastoral land into concrete houses. “Lives of millions of Tibetans are in jeopardy as they lose their source of livelihood after being forcefully made to part with their pastures and domestic animals.” The Chinese government has given them a small subsidy and failed to provide a sustainable source of livelihood,” he said.
Responding to questions on whether the issue of Tibet will be resolved within the lifetime of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mr Dawa Tsering said: “We firmly believe that the Chinese government will inevitably have to resolve the Tibet through dialogue within the lifetime of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Our conviction is founded on the world’s trend towards truth and justice, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s invaluable contribution towards peace and happiness in the world,” he said.
The Tibetan Parliamentary members met separately with members of the Tibetan community in Japan.
They apprised the Tibetan community on the recently concluded Tibetan parliament session.
The delegation emphasised and urged each Tibetan to take responsibility to contribute to strengthening the cause of Tibet. Urging the Tibetans to offer their full backing to the office of Tibet, the delegation said your support symbolise profound respect for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and sense of patriotism for your country.
The members of the Tibetan community appealed to the Tibetan parliamentarians to step up efforts to create greater awareness on the Middle Way Approach, especially among the Chinese people.
Responding to the concern raised by the Tibetan community over the small Tibetan population, the Tibetan Parliamentarians said each Tibetan individual has the duty to strengthen our population both in terms of quantity and quality. They informed the Tibetans that the Central Tibetan Administration is initiating new schemes like a scholarship to the parents who have more than three children to increase the population.
-Report filed by Office of Tibet, Japan-