Budget Estimate Committee Members, Parliamentarians Ven Khenpo Jamphel Tenzin; Mr. Tenzin Jamyang; Mr. Lobsang Choejor; and Mr. Karma Gelek meets from today to estimate CTA Bdget for 2020-2021
Dharamsala: The Budget Estimate Analysis Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile meets from today to examine the consolidated budget proposed by the Finance department of the Central Tibetan Administration for the financial year 2020-2021 as per the Article 66 of Rules and Regulations of procedure and conduct of business of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the incumbent parliament will appoint members for the Budget Estimate Analysis Committee to review the proposed expenditures on the projects and activities of the various departments of the Central Tibetan Administration and get sanctioned after due deliberation during the forthcoming budget session of the Tibetan Parliament.
The committee composed of Parliamentarians Ven Khenpo Jamphel Tenzin; Mr. Tenzin Jamyang; Mr. Lobsang Choejor; Mr. Karma Gelek; and Mr. Ratsa Sonam Norbu were appointed as per the above Article and took incharge of required documents at 9: 00 am today.
At 2:00 pm today, Members of the committee met with Deputy Speaker to seek the requisite guidance and commenced with the execution of their allotted tasks after unanimously appointing Parliamentarian Ven Khenpo Jamphel Tenzin as Chairman and Parliamentarian Mr. Lobsang Choejor as Secretary.
The Budget Estimate Analysis Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile will submit revised of consolidated budget proposal by Finance department before the actual Parliament begins on 17 March 2020 to the Tibetan Parliament Secretariat
Members of Budget Estimate Committee seeking guidance from Deputy Speaker