Dharamsala : In continuation with the recent Tibetan Parliamentary delegation tour to Europe, they reached Amsterdam on Nov 24, upon whose arrival, they were warmly welcomed by the members of the Tibetan Community in Netherland and Mrs. Tsering Jampa, Regional President of International Campaign for Tibet.
The next day, the delegation accompanied by Mr. Thutop, Secretary to the Office of Tibet, Brussel, met with the benefactors of International Campaign for Tibet and elucidated in length on the issues of Tibet and answered the various questions posed by them.
From Nov 26 to 27, the delegation met with the students of the university of Utrecht and answered the questions posed by a student of International Business Studies and two students researching on Tibet related issues. They later met with the directors of the local Tibetan support groups and discussed in length on various means of advocate for Tibet issues. They also answered the questions posed by a media of a local Tibet support group.

On Nov 28, they met with Director of the Chinese Section, Amnesty International and broached on the critical situation inside Tibet and discussed on the various issues of Tibet. Thereafter, they visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located at The Hague and met with various personnel from the Human Rights sections, with whom they adjured for their support on the Tibet issues. Later in the evening, as organized by the members of Tibetan Community in Netherland, the delegation addressed the congregation of local Tibetans on the achievements and legacy of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Middle Way Policy, evolution of democracy in exiled Tibetan community and the critical situations inside Tibet.

On the next day, they were interviewed by De Volkskrant, a Dutch daily morning newspaper on the various issues of Tibet. They later met with 4 parliamentarians from 4 different political parties and appealed for their support in their parliamentary hall. Mr. Eric, former member of the parliament and a supporter of Tibet cause, took them for a guided tour in the parliament.
On the last leg of the tour (Nov 30), the delegation met with 2 scholars researching on China at Clingendael Institute and discussed over the issues of Tibet and various approaches to advocate for the cause of Tibet.
Thus, the delegation of four TPiE members’ tour Europe, to approach and appeal the Tibet’s issues to the concerned diplomats, dignitaries and to solicit supports for the cause of Tibet from Nov 11 to 30, concluded successfully.