Dharamsala: Member of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Deputy Speaker Acharya Yeshi Phunstok and Geshe Lharampa Atuk Tsetan will be leaving for Paonta Cholsum Tibetan Settlement, Poanta to conduct a five-days workshop on ‘Strengthening of Democracy at the Grass-root level to the members of the Local Tibetan Assembly’ from May 21 -25, 2018 to the members of Local Tibetan Assembly and Settlement officers from Paonta Cholsum Tibetan Settlement, Paonta; Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement, Dehradun; Yangchen Gatseling Tibetan Settlement, Shimla; Sakya Tibetan Settlement, Puruwala; Sataun Kathok Tibetan Settlement, Sataun; Tibetan Bhonpo Settlement, Dolanji; Doegu Yugyaling Tibetan Settlement, Herbertpur and Kamrao Tibetan Settlement, Kamrao.
They will be leave for Paonta Cholsum Tibetan Settlement in the evening of May 18, 2018 and return to Dharamsala on May 26, 2018.