Palampur : Deputy Speaker of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok today attended the closing ceremony of the week-long yoga program, concurring with International Yoga Day, organized by Vivekananda Medical Research Trust, Kayakalp, a public charitable trust based in Palampur as its ‘Chief-Guest’

Shri. Shanta Kumar, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and the incumbent Convener of All Party Indian Parliamentarian Forum for Tibet (APIPFT) welcomed the Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament and talked on the various physical benefits of yoga. He even shared his own personal experience of how his eye-sight improved after practicing yoga. He said even the simplest yoga practice reaps bountiful benefits.
Thereafter, Deputy Speaker addressed the gathering stating ‘YOGA’ in English may a 4 lettered word but it is embedded with an in-depth philosophy. Drawing many differences between the general exercises and yoga, he said, ‘Yoga is not bound to the requirement of specific grounds or spaces. It can be done anywhere, anytime within the grasp of one’s convenience. It not only benefit one’s physical health but also purifies the mental heath.’
He said aside from general fitness exercise, there are also ayurvedic and sowa-rigpa under Ayush and yoga, which are all endowed with their own attribution in improving one’s health but out of these three yoga, with its meditative attribution holds the supreme position in guiding us to both physical and mental fitness and ultimately, inner peace.

He also drew many parallels between the Tibetan Buddhist tantric practices, passed down from Lotsawa Vairotsana, who was one of the three main masters to bring the Dzogchen teachings to Tibet, which can be ultimately traced back to Sanskrit in India. He also mentioned the Tibetan tantric yoga practices, laid down by the tantric tradition of master Pundit Naropa and Lama Marpa Lotsawa, which is a practice that has been done by Indian and Tibetan yogis for centuries. And Milarepa, who attained enlightenment in one life-time by it. Tibetan Buddhist yogic/tantric practices are practices of tsa-rLung (psychic wind), joined with mental exercise and visualization of the channels and chakras, and it is based on spiritual. He said certian aura surrounds the person who practices yoga selflessly and un-hesistantly in pursuit of higher purpose and that yogic practices should be directed towards such endeavors that brings one closer to nirvana or inner peace at the very least.
‘Nowadays, most people exercises and yoga for the specific reason of making oneself more alluring physically but if you don’t understand the philosophy and the its spiritualism behind such practices, one will never realize its complete benefit. Therefore, you all must strive hard to create awareness on the deeply-rooted ancient philosophy behind yoga and not make it just a fashion,’ he continued.

Emphasizing the importance of preserving one’s culture and tradition, he said, ‘Tibetans in exile are desperately holding onto their unique tradition and culture for its preservation in the face of the incessant obliteration of it by the Chinese authorities in Tibet but India is a free country and you all have the freedom to preserve and promote your culture. People from all over the world come to India to learn and study yoga but if one day, you have to learn your own culture from an outsider, then it is quite an embarrassment. Therefore, Youths of the country should be properly guided in its preservation. There is no race, class or parties in one’s culture. Cultural preservation and sustenance is a win for all the people of the country,’ concluded the Deputy Speaker.
Around 200 people from the nearby locality attended the week-long program.
