Dharamsala: A five-day workshop on Rules & Regulations and CTA’s Policy to the new Parliamentarians of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile concluded on 27th November 2021.
During this five-day workshop, the new MPs were briefed on Charter of Tibetan in exile, Rules and regulation of Parliamentary Procedure and conduct of the business of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, budget rules, Middle Way Policy, Sino-Tibetan Dialogue, and on the undertaking of the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, Cabinet Secretariat, Parliamentary Secretariat, seven Departments, and autonomous bodies of the CTA. In order to have first-hand experience of the CTA’s undertaking, they were also taken on a tour of the major offices of Gangchen Kyishong.
In the presence of Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel and Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang, the Parliamentarians raised doubts and queries regarding the workshop in a Q&A session to the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, and DoF’s Interim Secretary Tenzin Legdup, which were duly answered by them.
Following that the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker gave their concluding addresses and the Parliamentary Secretary gave his thank-you note. The Speaker spoke to the MPs on the significance of the workshop on comprehending the functioning and rules of CTA to make their contribution in its operation as a democratic entity. The Speaker further said that the knowledge gained in this workshop is the foundation that will continue to develop with the gaining of more working experiences. He thanked all the Parliamentarians for their active participation during the workshop and urged for their cooperation in future Parliamentary programs. Likewise, he extended his gratitude on behalf of the Tibetan Parliament to the sponsors of the workshop for the generous assistance.
Deputy Speaker in her address assured of considering the Parliamentarians’ suggestions and recommendations on bringing possible improvements. She advised that partaking in the proceedings of the Parliament on legislative amendments and the constant studying of the Charter of Tibetans in exile will make the participants more informed of the Charter. Explaining the process of seeking funds, the Deputy Speaker clarified the whole procedure of getting funds through DRL and NDI for the projects of TPiE on sustaining and strengthening democracy, on Tibet outreach programs, on leadership capacity building, on media addressing, and on developing strategies. Tibetans being political refugees, the Deputy Speaker informed the Parliamentarians who are the representatives of the public on working collectively by discarding all personal doubts for the common cause of Tibet. She also asked for the Parliamentarians’ cooperation in the accomplishment of the programmed forthcoming projects.
Parliamentary Secretary-General Tsewang Ngodup in his thank-you speech briefed the participants there on the process of organizing the workshop. Thereafter, he thanked Parliamentarians who have attended the workshop despite their busy schedule and inconvenient time difference especially those attending the workshop virtually. He then thanked the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, CTA Secretaries, Interim Secretary (DoF), and others involved for their time and contribution. The Secretary also extended his gratitude to Sikyong Penpa Tsering for enlightening the Parliamentarians on CTA’s policies. He further clarified that unlike the previous four workshops for the MPs, in this workshop Secretaries of the CTA were specially invited to introduce their respective departments and offices.
The five-day workshop organized by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile successfully concluded on 27th November 2021 with a gala dinner with Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Parliamentarians, CTA Secretaries, and resource persons in presence.