Dharamshala, 20 July 2023: Today, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile hosted a farewell tea party to Deputy Secretary Dechen Tsomo of the parliamentary secretariat upon her retirement from Tibetan civil service after 20 years of serving the Central Tibetan Administration.
Over the past 20 years, Deputy Secretary Dechen Tsomo has rendered her service at varied positions in the Central Tibetan Administration. After joining the Central Tibetan Administration in 2003, she started her service from the Department of Finance (DoF). She has also worked at the Tibet Policy Institute (TPI) under the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) before getting transferred to the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile in June of 2020.
Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang, in the presence of members of the Standing Committee and Rules & Regulation Review Committee, general-secretary and staff of the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat, lauded the dedication, hard work, and punctuality of the retiring staff.
Especially as the head of the transcription section of the secretariat, the Deputy Speaker applauded Dechen Tsomo’s sincerity in fulfilling the responsibilities entrusted upon her which has also inspired the other staff members of the section to follow her path.
On behalf of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, the Deputy Speaker extended her best wishes to the retiring staff and applauded her service to the larger cause of Tibet and added, “there is no retirement from the service of the Tibetan cause.”
Dechen Tsomo was presented with a ceremonial scarf and a small memento.