Jaipur: The Tibetan parliamentary delegation, comprising of Parliamentarians Mrs. Youdon Aukartsang, Mrs. Yeshi Dolma, Ven. Geshe Lharmapa Gowo Lobsang Phende and Mr. Kunchok Yangphel, who has been touring the states of Goa, Maharastra and Gujarat since Sept 28 to advocate for the cause and issues of Tibet, has commenced the campaign in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
On Oct 11, the visiting Tibetan Parliamentary delegation in Jaipur was welcomed at the airport by Mr. Saurabh Saraswat, President of Bharat-Tibbat Sahyog Manch (BTSM) and other members, who also facilitated most of the meetings in Rajasthan.

Despite the set-back incurred due to the recently declared state election, which resulted in last-minute cancellation of meetings with numerous state’s leaders, including the Chief Minister’s, the delegates had successfully called on Honorable Shri. Rao Rajendra Singh, Deputy Speaker of Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha at the Vidhan Sabha who gave generous time to exchange views and issues related to Tibet and India.
The delegates also met with Sh. Madan Lal Saini, President of BJP Pradesh Committee and member of Rajya Sabha at the BJP State Office. The delegation also met with Shri Arun Chaturvedi, Minister for Social Justice and Minority Affairs; Dr. Ashok Lahoty, Mayor of Jaipur; Shri Ram Charan Bohra, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Jaipur; and Shri Om Birla, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Kota.

The delegation also visited the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee office and met with Mr. Mumtaz Masih, Vice President; Dr Raghu Sharma, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Ajmer and many regional executives of Congress.

In addition to meeting with political and party leaders, the delegation also met with Prof R.K Kothari, Vice Chancellor and Prof Vijay V. Singh, Dean, Center for Social Sciences, University of Rajasthan.
Ms. Youdon Aukatsang, Head of the delegation and Geshe Lobsang Phende were Speakers at the two public events organized on October 13th. Ms. Yeshi Dolma translated for Geshe Lobsang Phende. The first public event was organised by Samajwadi Jan Parishad Rajasthan under the banner of Lohia-JP Memorial Dialogue. The topic of the public talk was Tibet and India: A Relationship of Mutual Trust. More than 50 people attended the event.

The second Public talk was organised by Bharat-Tibbat Sahyog Manch (BTSM) for their 100 odd members and supporters on the same day. To both the events, Dr. Tsundue Dolma, Doctor and staff members of Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute and executives of Tibetan Sweater Sellers Association were invited and introduced.