Dharamshala:Shri Mansukh Mandaviya,Honourable Minister of State in the Ministry of Road Transport,Highways and Shipping,Chemicals and Fertilizers of Government of India along with Kishan Kapoor,a member of BJP in HP and 8 other dignitaries visited Tibetan Parliament Secretariat today on 6 May.
They were warmly received by Ms. Dolma Tsering, Mr.Lobsang Yeshi, members of the Standing Committee and Mr. Tsering Topgyal Lhakang, the Secretary of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile when they reached the Parliament at 10:20 am.
In the meeting, members of the standing committee,TPiE explained in detail about the constituency of Tibetan parliament, conduction of parliament session, situation of Tibet in general as well as the current situation inside Tibet under the repressive policies of China. The minister listened with full zest and raised many questions regarding the Tibetan Parliament, central Tibetan administration, election of Tibetan Parliament members, which were respectively answered by the members of the standing committee of TPiE.
He said, “Half a century is not much in terms of a country’s struggle. And so, you all have to work harder for the realization of Tibetan cause.” He promised to meet and support the delegations of Tibetan Parliamentary when they attend the parliament Forum in Delhi in the near future.
As an honor of their visit, the members of standing committee on behalf of TPiE presented the honoured guests with souvenirs and Tibetan parliament books.