Dalhousie: A five-day workshop from 15th to 19th May, 2023 organised by Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the Strengthening of Democracy at the Grass-root Level for the members of the Local Tibetan Assemblies, Settlement Officers, and BRDL members of Dalhousie Phuntsokling, Shimla and Dolanji Bon Tibetan Settlement concluded successfully on 19th May 2023.
Under the guidance and observation of parliamentarians Dorjee Tseten and Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen, the first two days of the workshop focused on teaching parliamentary procedures and budget rules to the registered participants while the third day of the workshop was dedicated to the preparation of mock sessions to be held on the last two days of the workshop.
During the fourth and fifth day of the workshop, the participants with great enthusiasm enacted the mock session like a real local Tibetan assembly. LTA Chairs Phurbu Dadrul and Sherab Gyatso from Dalhousie and Dolanji chaired the two days of mock sessions.
Participants tabled official solidarity resolution, report of the budget estimate committee, starred question, calling attention motion, annual report, rules and regulation amendment, budget appropriation act, private member’s resolution, and others during the mock session.
The resource persons intervened between the mock session to provide necessary guidance and suggestions to improve the session.
A brief closing ceremony was held on the final day of the workshop where the parliamentarians applauded the workshop attendees for their active participation and at the same time reiterated the importance of sticking to the resolutions adopted at the LTA by bringing them to actual practice.
The MPs encouraged the participants to share the knowledge learned during the workshop to others and make their collective effort in serving the community.
A special dinner was hosted on the final day of the workshop where heads of the governmental organisations and NGOs of the Dalhousie were invited.
This is the sixth LTA workshop organized by the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile since its constitution with previous LTA workshops held at Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh), Phuntsokling (Odisha), Sonamling (Ladakh UT), Gangtok (Sikkim), and Salugara (West Bengal) respectively.
The LTA workshops are aimed to strengthen democracy at the grass root level by imparting the participants with detailed information of the Central Tibetan Administrative, the Budget Policy, proceeding of the Parliamentary session, and others to make informed decisions and to hold public offices accountable.
This workshop is funded by the USAID and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).