Dharamsala: Chaired by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, the second day of the fifth session of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile began at 9:30 AM with the deliberation over the official motion on the critical situations inside Tibet.
Many of the parliamentarians participated in the deliberation discussing the prevailing human rights violations in Tibet with distinct Tibetan language, religion, and culture facing the threat of extinction. Parliamentarians offered their solidarity with the Tibetans inside Tibet with some even suggesting observing a ‘Solidarity Day’ to offer solidarity and to commemorate the invaluable sacrifices of Tibetans inside Tibet against China’s policy of violent repression.
While some of the parliamentarians suggested that diasporic Tibetans preserve Tibet’s distinct heritage and engage in activities, small or big, related to Tibet’s issue, which is the best way to offer solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet.

The alarming critical situation in Tibet with its Sinicization in progress by China, the parliament members raised their concern over the forceful DNA sample collection drive, sending Tibetan children to Chinese colonial boarding schools, extreme surveillance systems, and other grave human rights violations.
Sikyong Penpa Tsering provided necessary clarifications to the doubts raised over the official motion on the critical situations inside Tibet.
The official resolution on the critical situations inside Tibet was adopted unanimously after some rectifications.
The session continued with a debate on the statement of Finance Kalon and précis 2023-2024 budget report by the Budget Estimate Committee which will continue in tomorrow’s session.