Dharamsala: Chaired by Deputy Speaker, Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, the 8th day of the Fourth session of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile commenced at 9:30 am.
This session saw lists of legislative bills, which were part of the Sept 22 agenda, move to its Second Reading.
The legislative bill on the amendment in the Rules and Regulations of Public Service Commission viz., clause 2 of Article 11 is quenched while the bill proposal for Clause 3 of Article 17 relating to the Deputation and Contract Employment repealed after it failed to meet the 2/3rd majority from the members present.
The noon session, chaired by Speaker Ven. Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, resumed with the legislative bill on the amendment in the Allotment of Staff Quarters and Residential Quarters for Retired Staffs Rules and Regulations, Article 12 clause 3, which passed with a simple majority.
The legislative bill on the amendment in the Rules and Regulations of Presentation of Excellency Award to the Outstanding Staffs of Central Tibetan Administration’s Article 4, Article 5 clause 1, Article 6 clause 1 and 11 passed unanimously as did the amendment bill of Article 1 in the Statute of the Central Council of Tibetan Medicine.

The session then moved on to the presentation of Department of Health’s 2016-17 précis report by Health Kalon Choechung Wangchuk. Succeeding it, Parliamentarian Lobsang Choejor presented the Standing Committee’s review on the detailed report of the concerned department, which was supported by Parliamentarian Dolma Tsering.

Thereafter, the session continued with remainder proceeding of the Department of Information and International Relation as Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay gave his due answers and clarifications to the questions and doubts as listed in the review of the Standing Committee as well as by the concerned Parliamentarians.

Today’s session ended with the debate and clarification on the 2016-17 report of the Department of Health and its branches between the Cabinet and the parliamentarians.
The session adjourned at 7:00 pm.