Dainik Jagran, a daily Hindi Newspaper celebrates its 75th Founding Anniversary of its inception on 20th December, 2018. The celebration was held at Centre Point, Kachari and Deputy Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok was invited.
The Chief Guest of the event, Mr. K.C. Sharma mentioned in his speech that this hindi news portal has been started in Jhansi in 1942 and ever since its inception, it has been widely reached successfully all through India.
The other dignitaries at the celebration were Chief of Kangra Co-operative Bank, Chief Medical Officer, Head of Dainik Jagran Office and other media personnel. After delivering the speeches by the dignitaries, Deputy Speaker extended his greetings to Dainik Jagran for completing 75 years of its establishment. He appreciated this news portal for having been established so successfully despite being one of the most oldest Hindi newspaper since from India’s freedom movement. He further mentioned that the toil with which the media personnel, regardless of the condition of weather or place, gathers the news is highly appreciable. Through this medium, information and knowledge gets imparted to the people. He also cited that Tibetan people with the ongoing experience of our struggle for the cause of Tibet have circulated the news on issue of Tibet to our people and to the world wide.
Later on, he thanked the host, on behalf of Tibetan people and Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, for inviting him this year too and regarded an honoured to be among such an important dignitaries. The programme concluded with grand luncheon to all the attendees.