Kalon Dr. Pema Yangchen, Minister of Education
Dharamsala: Chaired by Speaker Pema Jungney, eighth day of the 7th Session of 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile commenced with continuation of debate and discussion on 2019-2020 Special Recurring budget (Migsel) of Department of Education (DOE), which was approved afterwards.
Kalon Karma Yeshi, Minister of Finance
Kalon Dr. Pema Yangchen, Minister of Education answered questions raised by the Parliamentarians regarding education of Tibetan children studying in various Tibetan schools in Exile and Kalon Karma Yeshi, Minister of Finance answered questions related to accounts raised by Parliamentarians.
Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, President of Central Tibetan Administration
Following the second list of business, the session proceeded with (Kashag) cabinet clarification by Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay. Thereafter, motion for debate on the cabinet clarification tabled by Parliamentarian Mr. Gewatsang Ngawang Tharpa and supported by Parliamentarian Mr. Karma Gelek was passed for debate in the following days.
Parliamentarian Gewatsang Ngawang Tharpa
The session continued with debate and discussion on 2019-2020 Surkyol budgets of Department of Education (DOE) and Sambota Tibetan Schools (STSs) under DOE, which were eventually sanctioned.
Debate and discussion on 2019-2020 Recurring Budget (Gyundul) of Department of Home is open for the next day, as no decisions were taken today.
Kalon Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang, Minister of Home
The session adjourned at 5:00 pm until 9:30 am of the next day.