Dharamshala: The general session, the sixth session, of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile concluded today on 16th March of 2024. The final day of the ongoing parliamentary general session was chaired by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel.
It began with a starred question raised to Sikyong Penpa Tsering by parliamentarian Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen to which Sikyong provided requisite clarification to the starred question as well as to the subsequent supplementary questions raised by other parliamentarians.
This was followed by report reading and examination of the Department of International Relations (DIIR)’s précis 2022-2023 annual report. DIIR’s report was tabled by its Kalon Norzin Dolma, followed by the presentation of the Standing Committee’s review of the detailed annual report of DIIR by parliamentarian Phurpa Dorjee Gyaldhong.
The motion for debate on the DIIR’s précis report and its review by Standing Committee was tabled by Parliamentarian Tenpa Yarphel and supported by Parliamentarian Khenpo Kada Ngedup Sonam. Thereafter, DIIR Kalon read out the clarification by Kashag and general debate on all the reports under the jurisdiction of DIIR and Kashag’s answer.
Parliamentarians raised questions on the official websites, workshops on the Middle Way Approach, Tibet advocacy programs, working of the offices of Tibet, Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Group (V-TAG), the Tibet Museum, Tibet support groups, and various others which were duly answered by the DIIR Kalon.
Sikyong Penpa Tsering, the incumbent Kalon of the Department of Health (DoHe), presented the department’s annual report and parliamentarian Tsering Lhamo presented the Standing Committee’s review of the detailed annual report of DoHe (2022-2023).
The motion for debate on the aforementioned report was tabled by parliamentarian Phurpa Dorjee Gyaldhong and supported by parliamentarian Tsaneytsang Dhondup Tashi. Followed by the Kashag’s clarification by the DoHe Kalon and general debate on all the reports under the jurisdiction of DoHe. The DoHe’s Kalon addressed queries raised in the house.
The Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Secretariat, Sonam Dorjee read out the leave of absence of the session before the speaker gave his closing speech and announced the conclusion of the session.
The session adjourned sine die at 7:30 pm.