Dharamsala: The third day of the Budget Session of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile began at 9:30 AM with the continuation of the debate on the statement of Finance Kalon, the incumbent Sikyong, and précis 2023-2024 budget report by the Budget Estimate Committee from the previous sitting.
Sikyong Penpa Tsering, the incumbent Kalon of the Department of Finance, provided clarifications to the queries raised in the house on budget allocation, housing projects for the newly arrived Tibetans, capacity building programs under the CTA, staff quarter reconstruction projects, dollar conversion rate for Green Book contribution, Nyamdak (underprivileged) categorization, Gang-Jong Development Finance Private Limited, small businesses loans, and others.
Parliamentarian Youdon Aukatsang, Chairperson of the Budget Estimate Committee, and Parliamentarian Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen, member of the Budget Estimate Committee, provided the needed clarifications to the questions raised on the report of the committee.
The session proceeded with the continuation of discussion and approval on the proposed budget of the various departments and offices under the Central Tibetan Administration for the year 2023-2024, starting from discussion and approval Nyechen Budget, Recurring Budget, Special Recurring Budget, and Surkyol Budget of the Parliamentary Secretariat.

The proposed budget for the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission and local justice Commissions includes the Nyechen Budget, Recurring Budget, Special Recurring Budget, & Surkyol Budget of the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, followed by the Recurring Budget of the Northern Local Tibetan Justice Commission; Recurring Budget & Special Recurring Budget of Southern Tibetan Justice Commission; Recurring Budget & Special Recurring Budget of Ladakh Tibetan Local Justice Commission; and Recurring Budget of Tibetan Circuit Justice Commission were also approved after due deliberation.
Thereafter, the Recurring Budgets & Special Recurring Budgets of 37 Local Tibetan Assemblies were also approved simultaneously.
The Recurring Budget of the Kashag Secretariat remains open for discussion.
The session adjourned at 5 pm.